Thursday, February 21, 2008

Things I'll Miss and other Rambling Thoughts

Things are buisiness as usual here at the ranch. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent at Great Grandpa's wake and funeral respectively. People have asked why I took 3 young kids to such things, and well, how will they ever learn about anything if they're not taught? I made sure the boys were in shirts and ties, and Madilynn was dressed in her nice little dresses. The kids did really well, considering the emotional magnitude of everything going on. I guess they ARE worth keeping for a little while.
Tomorrow we finally close on the new house. As we've been getting ready to go, I've been taking pictures of the old house. I realized that one of the things I'll miss most about our home is the boys room. When you look up, there are clouds on the ceiling (thanks to Aunt Chris) and airplanes flying. On the walls are trucks and trains and fire engines. Cute little boy stuff. In the new house, Jack wants his room to be painted black (his favorite color) and have stars and planets painted on the walls and ceiling. Could be cool, minus the black paint. But it's so grown up, not little boy-ish at all. Sad.
Happy as I am to be moving into the community we'll be moving to, I'll miss our old house. All the memories we've had started here. This is where John and I had our first home and made a family. But I guess that family thing goes with us where ever we go and the new house will hold lots of new memories for us too.
Nate has gotten even more ornery than usual. John told him to use the potty this morning. Nate did not want to use the potty, so he went in the bathroom, stood in front of the toilet and peed his pants. Totally on purpose. He has also been sneaking up the stairs to eat the candy hearts off the graph Jack made at school last week. He doesn't care about learning the colors, he's just eating them off the paper, glue and all. It explains a lot.
It's been stupid cold the past few days, and the kids and I are all going stir crazy. We've gotten the bouncer back out just to help burn off the energy but they need to be outside swinging and doing the monkey bars. I need to be meeting up with my mom friends and watching the kids play while we drink our Cafe Mocha's. Goodness knows you can't get on the phone because ONE of them (or all 3) will start their caterwauling. Ugh.
Last week Mads got an ear infection and, good news, she's legal to sit forward in her carseat. At just a bit over 18 months, she finally weighs 21 pounds exactly. She comfortably wore 12 month dresses to the wake that were a bit short, but fit her perfectly thru the waist. I hate trying to dress her since she's so stinkin tall and skinny. She can wear 18 month shirts and tight jammies, but she's still in 12 month pants (even some 9 monthers if they're long enough), and 12 month dresses since the 18 month ones make her look like she's wearing a tent they're so baggy. The kicker is, SHE EATS LIKE A FREAKING HORSE. At the luncheon after the funeral, she ate soup (I strained the veggies out and gave them to her), salad (She was probably the only person in the restaurant eating the pickled beet on top of the salad), mashed potatoes, pork, and beef. When I put Green beans on her plate she promptly picked them off and put them on the table. Same thing with chicken. Maybe they were too healthy for her? She also had no trouble with her ice cream (and whipped cream topping). I hope her metabolism keeps up throughout college at the very least.
I should probably make the boys clean one of their 15 messes in this house. Things are always such a disaster, I can't wait to move and get rid of a bunch of stuff.

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