Sunday, February 03, 2008

85% Certain

Following up on a previous post, I think I am doing the Triathalon in July. I'm pretty sure I got Choices to make:

1.) When to start training. April, May?
2. Do I still try and do the Susan Komen 3 day walk, or do I train for one or the other?
3.)Who can I convince to do it with me?

1 comment:

jen said...

1)How about NOW!!!
2)Are you a glutton for punishment?
3)Nobody!!! 'Cause you crazy girl!!!

Aren't you moving, carrying 2 mortgages, and still in flu season???

Seriously though, if you can do it great, but I was watching a program on discovery health or fine living or something like that and a guy was on there talking about how to start training for a triathalon or marathon and he suggested joining a triathalon training group. They keep you on target and other such crap. I, of course stopped listening when he said training so I don't know the details, but I did hear him say to look it up on the internet to find your local group.
(i.e. More people trying to kill themselves.)

Have fun and I'll be cheering for you!!!