Friday, March 21, 2008

Snow Day

I took the day off. We did nothing, except play play-doh, make cookies, watch Easter Bunny movies and the like. We had a jamma day and it felt darn good. We don't do it often enough. Plus, there was like, 9 inches of snow falling from the sky to the ground, so I didn't feel much like driving anywhere. Low key...saweet.

I'm considering Nate potty trained, even though he really isn't. Even though I spent most of the dinner time tonight cleaning the bathroom because, well, "boys miss". Even though this morning he peed on the carpet (on purpose) and hides in his closet to poo. He hates wearing pullups, and refuses to wear his overnight diapers at bedtime. Often times we find him changing his entire ensemble several times a night just to get out of the diaper and/or a wet pullup. While I'm glad he's noticing he's wet and not liking it, it's rather infuriating to deal with at 2 a.m. He likes to stand in front of the toilet and "make bubbles". Except, well, as stated earlier, he misses. A lot. Sigh.....Maddie has got to be easier. I've heard girls are easier. Is it true?

Tomorrow we may hit IHOP before the 2 Easter Egg hunts for Horton hears a Who hotcakes. Have you seen those things? Those colors are just not found in nature, and I'm sure the kids will be jacked up on preservatives and sugars and other unpronounceable chemicals, but it will be fun. I am all about having fun these days because the move, or lack thereof is getting pretty tiring. Soon now, we'll be in that house. I keep telling myself, soon.

I'm so tired, I'm planning on watching our weekly Man vs. Wild and heading to bed. I hope everyone has a great Easter, and Julianne, don't tempt me with a trip to Omaha to sunbathe in 50 degree weather. I may just take you up on it, except this time I wouldn't drive straight thru. I'd probably do an overnighter in Iowa City and visit the kids museum there. Maybe this summer we'll be a ringing that doorbell of yours and begging for chocolate fountain!!!

Hoppy Easter!


Keri Speidel said...

Don't scare me!!! Baylor runs and hides when I come even close with "big boy pants" he WANTS DIAPERS!!! I'm pretty sure we'll be in middle school before we master the art of peeing and poopin in the potty.

Have a good Easter!

Oh yea, I sent you something to your Cary address....let me know when you get it and I'll explain more.

Weiss Women said...

You know you want to...