Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Last Blog for Awhile....

Tomorrow Comcast is shutting off our old service and starting service in the new house. That means I will have no technological access to anything anywhere (we won't have anything set up until Saturday, I'm sure.)
Movers are coming Friday. They are pure labor, and they are cheap. John got them thru work, so he only has to get a truck.
Anyone who wants to help us move this weekend, let me know. But call my cell because as of tomorrow my phone will be off da hook and I'll be getting a new number.
Wish us luck! I can't wait to be there. Finally!!


Weiss Women said...

Good luck on the final move hot mamma! I am sure it will all go well. love, Julz

Anonymous said...

Good will need it on moving day. We will be over to help.....hahaha