Friday, March 07, 2008

Kinda Like Bar Trivia

Bar trivia is my most favorite thing to do ever. And I almost always win because I know a lot of things about a lot of things that are pretty useless and not worth knowing. So, like in bar trivia when the answers are erased one by one, I'm going to erase answers one by one from my latest "Which is NOT true?" quiz.

Ya'll who have voted have voted wrong. I was not cheating as Cheryl implied and singing the national anthem from my seat at a Cubs game with everyone else, but, in 8th Grade, I was on the field with my Junior High Chorus singing the National Anthem.

We were awful, and it's not a good memory. But, it's something I did. I was on the turf singing "O say can you see" with everyone in my Junior High choir. And for the record, I CAN carry a tune. I just don't do it unless I've tossed back a few.

So, re-vote. Which of the other 3 answers is NOT true?

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