Monday, March 03, 2008

I'm NOT crazy, AND Nate Likes Booze

Jack's future betrothed was also sick all weekend I found out. Except she's a lot worse and went to the doc today, who informed mom that there is an outbreak going around of whooping cough. Okay, so we know McHenry county has the highest rate of Whooping Cough every year in IL, so that is one of the vaccines I regularly guard my kids against. But, apparently the vaccine is being found as not being as effective as once thought. FAB U Louss!!!

I decided to buy some Cask and Cream (Think CHEAP but Good Bailey's) and was drinking a bit when Nate climbed in my lap and said "Nate want some. Nate like milk". Well, baby, this isn't milk. It's booze. "Nate like Boothe mom!".

Again, college fund is being refunneled to "Bail Money Fund." Feel Free to send donations.

Bouncer fun. This was the first thing we moved to the new house. Keeps them occupied while I clean, but it's still Wrestle mania in there. If you can't beat em, join em, right?

Okay, Maddie has a mullet. This photo doesn't do it justice, but she totally is business in front, party in back. It can't even be fixed because she has all this baby hair, and she HATES barrets or girly hair pretties. I'm not sure what to do, but she is damn cute. She has a commanding Vocabulary of the words, "Jack" , "Naughty" "poo poo", "chocolate" "cookie", "bye" "see ya soon", and "mamamama" and "dada". The speech therapists at work are impressed with all her food words. Especially since she's a 21 pounder in the 2-3 %. John gives her cookies and garbage all the time trying to fatten her up. I prostested saying she's gonna weigh 500 lbs. and he said her metabilism will pretty much just have to shut down for that to happen.
He's right of course.
She's our little pixie!! (Mullet and all.)

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