Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Up to My Elbows in MOIST Meat, and other Trials of Cooking for 9 hours Straight....

Jen, Jennifer, and I (uh huh, another JEN) got together Sunday to do our once a month cooking, that really lasts us almost 3 months. It's fabulous though, and I'm not complaining. Except for the fact that we had no booze...but we had a GREAT time anyway, and my freezer is full of stuff that will get eaten before we move. What's more, it's quick and easy to heat up, so if we have a showing it's a better alternative to constant fast food or pricey restaurants for a month or more.

The Jen Trifecta worked very well and very smoothly together. None of use really "measures" exact amounts on anything, which is great. We have done this before with someone who needs EXACT AMOUNTS. Sometimes, when a recipe calls for 3/4 C onions, you just eyeball it. Or a Tablespoon of Garlic? We Rachel Ray it and "palm it". So our Three personalities gel well, except where vocabulary is concerned.

Apparently, there are certain words in the English Language that bug the hell out of some people. Not good if they are OT's (occupational therapists) trying to desensitize kids on a daily basis at work. Unfortunately, I was the one responsible for mixing the Meat Mix for both our Salisbury Patty dishes and our meatloaf dishes. Jen and Jennifer went to Sam's and bought 9 POUND tubes of meat. It was the most disgusting, suggestive thing I've ever seen. A meat tube? Sealed in a plastic prophylactic. Gross. And I got into it up to my elbows. 21 lbs. of meat worth altogether.

And, dare I say the word MEAT? No, it grosses out the OT. Dare I say "MOIST". I think I made her puke. So, as many times as I could on Sunday, I made mention of My Moist Meat. Take it in any context you like. However, I wonder if there's any word in the English Language hated more than the word "moist." I doubt it. Ask around. It's right up there with the "C" word, or the "P" word.

Another word that was Taboo for the day was crevice, so I kept referring to "Moist Meat and Cre-VASSES (British Style) which almost got me kicked out of our little cooking club.

It was totally worth it though. You learn a lot about someone when you're in their kitchen for 9 hours, elbow deep in Moist Meat and giggling as if you'd tossed back one too many. I can't say there are too many words per se that I actually can't stand to hear uttered, but I'm sure there's a list out there somewhere. Anyone care to share?

Maybe, Oh, I got it. I really don't like the word "hemorrhoid". Or it's best friend "Roids". It feels weird to say.

Now, Obsequious. That's a good word.......


jen said...

I have a hard time with vagina. I know it's hard to believe coming from me, but I can not say that word. I call a penis a penis, I can openly talk about ANYTHING sexual, but I don't say vagina! I call it a coochy. Funny right?

Weiss Women said...

Oh gross!! lbs. and lbs. of moist meat. I don't like the word moist. It is usually paired with panties and I don't like that word either. I like underwear and if there is moisture involved then you just peed them. I also don't enjoy the word slacks. They are pants or trousers or whatever else. While I'm on it...I actually prefer calling body parts by the correct name. Jen (not Crazy Mom Jen, but your friend) I am taking you to the vagina monologues! And one of my favorite words because it rolls so nicely off of the tongue is Plethora. Sorry for the rant!