Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thank You Writer's Strike

Thanks to there being not an ounce of TV worth watching, I started and finished Dan Brown's Angels and Demons in about a week's time. I'm pretty confident that I'll have Loving Frank done by my next book club meeting.

I've also become a Perez Hilton Junkie. ( and am in love with a song he posted as "worthy". Sometimes his taste isn't so bad.

If you can, check out Leona Lewis' "Bleeding Love". It's good.

If we didn't have kids, we'd see movies. For now there's books, Perez, and Superbad....

What are ya'll watching, if anything?

1 comment:

Weiss Women said...

My best friend Robyn sent me Season 1 and 2 of the Gilmore Girls. No I am not a dork, have you seen that show? The writing is amazing. I jumped on the fan bandwagon around season 4 so I am loving catching up! Also I love watching TLC's Jon and Kate Plus Eight. It makes me feel more under control!