Wednesday, January 16, 2008

House issues

Our lawyer is trying to kick ass. I love her, since she's a pretty hardcore woman just trying to get this crap moving. Long story short, we STILL don't have a close date on the new house because the seller STILL has to dewinterize (per acceptance contract) in order for us to get our home inspection. Our lawyer is pushing for Feb. 12th, which actually is awesome, since it gives us that much more time to sell our current home, and offers less of a possibility that we'll be floating 2 mortgages for very long. At least, that is our hope. Looks like we won't be hosting the Superbowl this year, gang.

I just keep thinking, all these things are happening for a reason. There is a reason we didn't close last Friday as originally planned. There is a reason rates keep dropping. There are reasons that I just have to trust and believe in, and everything will work out as it should.

Now to get this house sold in a timely manner and move forward with this whole business. According to the desk clerk at the Y (who also lives in my neighborhood), the exact same model of my house sold for under 200K, and it didn't have a basement, skylight, or fireplace like we do. The old guy who lived there also died in there, so his sister who lives in Fla. priced WAY low just to get it off her hands. The lady at the Y also said that her next door neighbor who is selling the exact same house as we are (basement, fireplace, etc.) hasn't had even 1 person come look at it. THAT makes me feel good, because they're priced at over $25,000 higher than we are. We've already had several showings, and more already scheduled for this weekend, so things are at least moving in the right direction for us, even if we haven't had any offers yet.

They'll come though. I'm sure of it!
(Are you keepin' those fingers crossed for us?)

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