Wednesday, June 18, 2008

If you Didn't Get the E-mail, and wanna Pledge to a good tax deductible cause, READ ON!

Some people swim to raise money, some people ride their bikes for a while, some do a little 5k. I'm crazy enough to do all three.
There is an option, if you're interested to donate (pledge me) to the cause for Breast cancer, which is what my race raises money for. Don't worry if you don't want to/can't. I think they hand out big prizes, like a pin for your lapel, or something if you get a lot of donations. I'd rather see the money go to a cause near and dear to my heart, as breast cancer runs on both sides of my family.
For info on "how to" click here:

I am registered as Jennifer Crick in the Chicagoland race. My hometown is listed as Cary.
Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who may be interested.
Thanks in advance!!!
Wish me luck!

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