Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Happenings in Photo Form

I know, I know. Ya'll have been wondering where I've been. You've missed my witticisms, blunt outlook on life with kids, and the reality that is how I get through my life. I know it, so, hopefully I'm back.

See, this virus Madders had has now cycled through Nate, and Jack woke up this morning at about a quarter to 8 crying about a headache and has not gotten off the couch since. NOT NORMAL for my kid who goes, goes goes (for Nate, couch potato-ing is normal, not Jack).

The t.v. is being overused, but it's a good way for them to veg and not over do it, and since I usually turn it OFF every day at 8 a.m. for the remainder of the day, it's weird to always have it on.

Needless to say, I can't take sick kids to the gym, but I've been running and riding a few miles outside, which is good practice anyway.

Okay, I'm biased. But he IS cute! By the way, he passed his audiology (hearing) test with flying colors, so now when he ignores me, my ongoing chant is..."I KNOW you can hear me!!!". Hopefully this speech eval will take place this week. Gotta work on that articulation!!!
This is what happens when you're allowed to face paint yourself at a friends birthday party. We went to this new place, Nibbles' Play Cafe http://www.nibblesplaycafe.com/ and it was sooo much fun. The premise is, parents can go in with their kids, pay a fee, and the kids can play in designated play areas whilst adults partake in ADULT CONVERSATION WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. So fun. So cute, and a really great party idea. Too bad Jack and Nate were the only boys, but I got to hang with my friends, so I didn't really care.

And neither did they.

Oh, and Jack has painted himself as Darth Maul. In case you couldn't tell.

Cereal bowl tantrum. One of many.

Yesterday John took Jack and Maddie to the zoo with his grandma. I got to stay home and clean the floors and do laundry and comfort a sick Nate. Grandma bought the kids ice cream.

Maddie enjoyed her chocwate ice cream. A lot.

Bungee cord tree climbing. He looks almost professional with that hat on and all. Safety first.

Genius, isn't it?

It was kinda a cruddy day the other day, so Jack made his own indoor miniature golf course. I thought it was brilliant. Creative thinking and problem solving--who cares about the mess?

More golf course. Check out that ramp! And the glove obstacle! This kid truly amazes me some times.

Jack using the course. With a foam sword. In a Harry Potter Costume. I love imagination!

1 comment:

jen said...

I felt bad about the boys being the only ones, but Joe wouldn't let me take Jonathan out of school for this. I'm so glad you had fun and maybe we can do it again when it's a crappy day!

My kids had something like that a few months ago! It went one after another down like dominoes. It sucked because they did one at a time and I felt like I ws in the house for a month....wait I was in the house for a month. I hope they get better! AT least the baby is getting better, She's the tough one!
Love ya