Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Here We Go Again

An hour in the Dr.'s office, an hour at the pharmacy, $74, and 4 scripts later, Jack may finally be on the road to kicking the butt of whatever is working thru his system. He started coughing last night, and I thought he sounded croupey, thought not too much of it, but today when he was coughing and pleading with himself, "Please, no coughers, please. My froat hurts. No coughers" and coughing anyway, we paid a visit to the doc and funded his next Bahamian vacation.

We have scripts for a steroid, Xopenex for our own at home nebulizer, an antiobiotic, and cough syrup, which I should just try to buy in bulk.

I feel so bad for the poor kid. Coughing hurts him, and if he's not better by Thursday, we'll probably have to go for chest x-rays. He was all Jack at the doc today though. Doc walked in, and Jack did not hesitate to say,
"Oh, you look so handsome today. I really like your shirt".

See, we are working on manners, being polite, and utilizing that filter that makes you want to say things that are socially inappropriate but you can't say them anyway. Jack can be VERY trying at times, but then, he can be the sweetest, most loving child I've ever known.

I hope he feels better soon.

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