Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Just Wondering

I love top 10 lists. I don't know why, I just do. So, for today, I have a top 10 list of things that have just popped into my head. Things I'm just wondering about.

1. How the heck can "Flavor Of Love" on VH1 be considered reality tv? It's more like a comedy than anything.

2. How can any of the women on that show find Flava Flave anywhere near attractive?

3. How do my children know the exact second I get on the phone to have an important conversation, or the exact second I hit REM sleep? That is when they decide they need something.

4. Will Meredith choose the guy who was Robin when Val Kilmer was Batman, or the dude that was a dork in all those 80's Teen movies?

5. Why does everyone think he's McDreamy anyway? He's a little bit of McGeeky, and McI Can't make up my mind because I'm a guy. Figure your crap out already dude.

6. Why is Rachel Ray always so damn perky? Does she EVER have a bad day? Or a cold?

7. Why are kids clothes so expensive? Less than 1/2 the material is used for kids clothes than adult ones and they're pretty much the same price sometimes. I don't get it.

8. Why are SOME of the elderly so crabby? Their kids are grown, they've got pensions to live on so they're not working...They get senior discounts everywhere...They can live it up now.

9. What's Patrick Swayze up to these days?

10. When will I finish all the crap I need to get done?


jen said...

aaahhhh....questions, questions, questions, so many of them and so little time.
I did a top 101.(see Blog) I'd like to see yours! 10 is too limiting for you. I find you funny,interesting and I would love to see you write a 101!

Weiss Women said...

As someone who is never on time anymore (thank you two children) I think that Flava Flav is hot due to the huge time pieces that he wears. You know what they say about the size of a man's time piece? Hopefully he isn't late.