Saturday, September 09, 2006

Action Figures Need Not Apply

I'm kinda on a warpath here, but I can't succumb to it fully, because we've only had 1 official day of school, and I can't be "That Mom" yet.

Jack gets to celebrate his summer birthday at school in a couple of weeks. He gets to bring in a favorite book, or toy, which means his Spider-Man, Batman, or Superman dolls. All of the above are considered "Action Figures", and unfortunately for little boys, they are not allowed on school grounds.

The unfairness comes in because presumably, girls can bring in Barbie, or Strawberry shortcake, or whatever without it being considered an "action figure". I was considering why this is possible, or how it can be even close to being remedied.

After all, if the issue is "Boys toys promote violence", let's consider little Suzy who's parents do nothing but fight aggressively. Then Ken could seemingly become a violent, bitch slapping, eunich asshole who is promoting violence in the home (If little Suzy decides to act out what's happening at home).

Guns, I can see not bringing them in. But Batman and SuperMan...heroes of the future??? The double standard just pisses me off!!


Weiss Women said...

I don't know anything about action figures. Are they down that one aisle at Target? The one next to the My Little Pony and Dress up aisle?

jen said...

I'm with ya sista!!!! I understand that some of those toy do not give a positive image, but let the kid bring his damn toy on his birthday... not everyday, but his birthday! Is it going to kill anyone? They are boys for pete sake! I have seen many so called safe items turned into interesting weapons. i.e. legos, paper towel rolls, blocks, juice boxes(especially the bendy straws) and other things. If the girls can bring a barbie(not the greatest of images either) I think the boys should be able to bring Batman too. Bitch like a pig Girl!!!