Thursday, August 31, 2006

Officially Orientated

Last night we had Jack's orientation for school. We went step by step thru the parent handbook, and I have to say I feel quite good about the school itself. I busted John for tuning the speaker out. We aslo got some free samples of some market day brownies, and they were quite yummy!! In my opinion, that alone made for a successful orientation.

Lately, Jack has been telling me that he is not going to go to school, which makes me slightly nervous. He'll be fine once he's there I'm sure, but getting him there...may be a challenge the first few days. Good thing he's going with his future wife and wardrobe provider Julia (they play in her dressup box together often).

We have officially been orientated to Jack's school, teachers, program, etc. The Director informed us that she will be standing in the hallway on the first day passing out tissues to distraught parents. All I could think of was with 2 little ones, there is no time for me to be distraught, so no tissues for me. Besides, I never cried when I went to school, and I am thrilled for him to be taking this next step in his life. Perhaps when Maddie goes I will need the tissues, her being the baby and all, but by then I may also be ready to sell all my kids to gypsies for a very low group rate. Who knows. And who knows what I'll be like Thursday, his first "real day" of school. I'll keep everyone posted, but for now, we'll just say things are looking good...other than him being in denial about going to school.

Who knew the idea of fingerpainting could be so dramatic?

1 comment:

Weiss Women said...

Good luck! Libya is loving preschool and I am sure Jack will too. Luckily he has his Julia with him! Have fun hauling everyone into the building each time you go. Or do they let you drop off?
love, Julianne