Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What I'm Wondering Today....

If anyone can help me out, that'd be just great!

* What's the differnce between a blouse and a shirt?

* What's the difference between trousers/slacks/and dress pants? Can jeans be considered denim slacks?

* Why, if we're not farming our own food anymore do we still have daylight savings time? Apparently the person who thought that up didn't have kids up before his freaking roosters.

* I think Yeti's might be real. Don't you?

*Is it Murphy's Law or Fate that whenever I'm in a rush I end up in the slow lane?

* Do my kids have tapeworms? I'm always feeding them.

* Did anyone else have a clone trooper, DArth Vader, and Cinderella wake them up this morning?

1 comment:

Keri Speidel said...

..no, not a storm trooper but now it will be He-Man and Skeletor singing the yellow bus song :)