Wednesday, November 12, 2008

An Excerpt from Chapter 82 in the Riveting Novel Titled, "Reasons Why I Will Burn in Hell"

I don't do cheesy crap well at all. I don't care where I am or what the circumstances are. When something is idiotic I sometimes can't help my self. Let's just call it a character flaw and move on.

Sunday I was at church as usual. I was feeling a bit disconcerted because my usual backrow or backpew mommy friends weren't there (none of our husband go to church unless our kids are singing in the choir, or it's a holiday so we have some cameraderie thing going on).

Anywho, I was listening to our pastors give their sermon, which I LOVE because they from Chile and their cadences are melodic, and their sermons just wonderful.

Then, out of nowhere, with virtually NO lead-in, they started playing a music video on the screen up front. It was that really pretty song about "Letters From War." You can view it here:

You watched it and cried, didn't you MOM, Julianne, and Jen? I knew it. I just knew it. You guys can wear your heart on your sleeves, but, well, you know me... :-)

It is a beautiful song. It has beautiful meaning. The video itself though, is TOO MUCH!!! I hate romance novels, or things that try so hard to make people cry. I find it annoying rather than 'tearjerking'. I would much prefer to find my love stories by reading Shakespeare (Hello, Ophelia, or Juliet? Anyone?) Not some cheeseball video that's sole purpose is to make people get all emotional.

What got me were really 2 'scenes'. Every time they cut to the guy playing the piano (he is WAYYYY too into it), and the worst worst worst scene...When the car pulled up and the 'mom' collapses on the ground. It is so melodramatic and ridiculous that I kind of snorted a laugh. In church. I recovered well, and people thought I was crying.

Uh, no. It takes more than some bad actress overly emphasizing a tumble in the grass to make me well up. Sorry.

The other moms during Sunday School confirmed my damnation less than an hour later. THEY thought I was crying at least. I couldn't help it.

This does NOT detract from my respect and gratitude towards vets. This does not detract from the meaning of they lyrics.

I could just do without the video is all.

Don't hate me because I'm lacking some girlie girl gene.

I can't help it. I really just can't.

Oh, and one last thing, if you watched, can you explain WHY on Earth the mother and the son look like they are the exact same age?


Weiss Women said...

shut your mouth that was sweet. I eat that shit up. Yes the Mom is definitely too young looking. I like that you snorted in church! Good times in that back row!

jen said...

You Suck!!! I used to be like you, in the back row snorting, but I had babies and that all went bye bye! The hard ass turned soft
(in more ways than one) and now I cry at shit on u tube, tv, funniest home videos, you get the picture! Thanks for the reminder that I have turned soft. I'm going to watch it again later with Joe to see if he's gone soft too. hehehehe