Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Boy Parts

In the tub last night:
Jack-"Mom, what are these things under my penis?"
Me-"Wha? What things?"
J-"You know, those dangly things."
M-"Uh, show me. Oohhh, THOSE are your testicles."
J-"Well, my testicles ITCH! Why do they itch mom?"
Because you're a boy and you need somewhere to put your hands when you're bored, or doing something in public. That's why.
Thought I needed to lighten things up after my rant yesterday. I shouldn't complain-John's job keeps me home. Even if it keeps me home cleaning crap, snot,urine and vomit all day. I'm home playing June Cleaver, and I guess I like it and am almost good at it on a good day.
Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Weiss Women said...

I don't even know how to talk to boys!! Good for you! Don't fret everyone has bad days. Everyone.
love, Julianne