Wednesday, May 14, 2008

T Minus 8 Weeks....and Counting

So, I'm getting ready for this race. And I'm getting nervouser and nervouser (yes, this English minor knows it's not a word. Work with me.)
I've been working hard, and not losing any damn weight in the process, except for 2 pounds which may or may not be attributed to the high fiber fiasco. My diet isn't any better, but I'm crapping a helluva lot more, so maybe that's what shaved those lb's off.
I digress. Last week I was on the part where I do 8 x 100 yds in the pool, first with a 20 second rest, then a few days later a 10 second rest. I did 9 sets, just to get me to my 1/2 mile and build endurance. I also purposely circle swam with the big dude who was slow, but made a lot of waves so that I could practice being in someones wake. It was good practice, I think, but now I'm getting nervous in regards to swimming in a lake. Temperatures are estimated to be between 72-75 degrees in the water, so I won't need a wetsuit, but, well, I hate being cold. Chronic anemia does that to a person. Maybe it will make me swim faster to warm up.
Today was a swim day, and I just did a straight half mile. It was slow but I was working on increasing the efficiencey of my breathing and stroke. I also ran a little over half a mile and lifted weights. It's funny, that while I'm not losing any weight, my body is changing a bit. Not much, but enough that I am very comfortable in size 6 pants, occasionally (depending on the brand) a size 4, and I wear medium sized tops. No more larges for me, however that may have less to do with working out and more to do with post breastfeeding flat banana boobs. I guess I'll take it, because as a former overly chested woman, slightly smaller ta ta's allow for cuter clothes. And the styles fit better.
I am getting really nervous about the race though. I have nerves of jello and am not very good in competitive situations. Not at all. Unless I'm playing Bar Trivia, or any Pop Culture Trivia. I'm really good at that shit.
I think that I'm fine with all the physical stuff, the swimming, the biking, and the run (which for me at that point may most likely be a slow jog), but I AM getting really nervous about my transitions and being prepared with all the 'equipment' I need, like bike shorts and running shirts, the right type of hyration (Gatorade, or Propel?), how quick can I change my shoes, etc, etc, etc. Any athletes out there with hints would be welcome to offer up advice. Basically, I think I'm just reaching out to my blog fan base for some sunshine pumping, words of encouragement, and shiny happy thoughts.
People have been asking about my training, so I'm thinking I'll be writing more and more about what's going on. I have decided that until the race I'm not going to be drinking any alcohol. I know it's a hard pill to swallow, what with summer coming up and lots of fun festivities, and some will be disappointed that the 'fun girl/entertainment' is taking a bit of a break. Sorry. I get buzzed off one beer lately (since I've cut back so much) and the next day during training I feel sluggish and not up to par. The workout feels slightly compromised. Perhaps between now and then I MAY have a glass of wine here and there, but I'm trying not to, so I can be strong as I can be in 8 weeks. I'm REALLY trying on the coffee thing too, but, well, it gets the system going and when you have um, 'issues' (I know it grosses ya'll out, so I won't blog about 'them' anymore) it helps.
I believe tomorrow is a brick day, and as always abs. They aren't getting any better, so if my husband calls anyone asking what to get me for my birthday or Christmas, inform him I wasn't joking when I said "TUMMY TUCK". Stinking kids.
Do you think they make 2 piece triathlon bathing suits that adequately cover stretch marks?

1 comment:

Weiss Women said...

You and your rocking body are going to kick some ass! I can't wait to hear all about it. Maybe John could take some footage!