Thursday, May 08, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Today was a special Mother's Day program at Jack's school. It was sooo cute. The kids sang some mom's day songs, and then we were treated to some cute art projects and cinnamon rolls and juice. It was lovely, and really perfect as far as mother's day gifts go.

Isn't he the cutest? Sometimes his devil horns retract and make us proud!

Me and my buddy. I can't believe that next week he is graduating from preschool. That means he's old enough to go to big kid school, and while I'm good at not being overly emotional, or keeping my thoughts in check, this one is going to be a hard one. Have I been the best mom I can be these five long years? I'm not so sure. So much more to do I think.
Back to mother's day-I've heard and seen lots of dumb commercials for gifts. I think my favorite was on the radio today, 2 radio personalities advertising a sonicare toothbrush, special mother's day edition you know. Uh, no thanks.
Another commercial asked "What does Mom REALLY want for mother's day? To keep everyone connected! Buy our phone!" Um no again. Like I want people to be in contact with me more than they already are? No.
How about the constant e-mails from Williams sonoma for new cooking apparati. WRONG! Because that means I must use them to serve, and well, on mother's day I'm not serving anyone anything.
So what do I really want? Quiet. Time to read. Time to play instead of do laundry. I really don't want jewelry, I barely wear my wedding ring as it is. I want my husband to make dinner that I like, not just steak. And if that's all he can handle, I want it rare, not charred because that's how he likes it, and is too lazy to pay attention on the grill (big flames = faster cooking = less time doing something you don't want to do). But mostly, a few hours of quiet would be enough.
What do you hope for this Sunday? Be honest!

1 comment:

Keri Speidel said...

what do I want...hmmmmmm right now
1. Healthy kiddos (for at least a week)
2. To sleep eight hours straight with no crying babe disrupting my beautification sleep (ha!)
3. Not to lift a stinkin finger tomorrow and have the house magically clean, laundry done and not a dog hair in sight!

and maybe some new flip flops, mine are growing something and are icky.

I know, I set my standards pretty high. Hope you're doing well, you look so cute in your pictures. Oh yea, got the picture done...DID NOT mail it, so sorry.....bad weekend. I'll do it Monday, hope that is okay.