Monday, November 20, 2006

Sweet Girl

Here is the Divine Miss M at her finest...I love the tongue!
She just loves to smile at her Uncle Richie!
She is sooo baldie bald. And she looks just like her brothers. Thank goodness for pink!
I think this one may be my fave. She is just so innocent, and happy, and a great baby!

Full length shot...see how big she's getting? Oh, and notice the one sock. We have a rule in our may only wear one sock at a time.
Thought I'd share these... She's just sweet sweet sweet!


jen said...

She looks so sweet!
Wiat until she figures out that she can get a rise out of her brothers by taking away their favorite toy and then telling on them when they hit her to get it back! I can't wait to see the sneaky smiles on her face then! That was MY Favorite thing to do, and it's what all only girls do.

It's not that far off in the future!

NYST8OM said...

Oh! She's so pretty!