Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Candy Capers

I am mortified and unsatisfied. My kids got the motherload of candy on Tuesday...they hit paydirt basically. I am pretty sure my chocolate purist friends will call for my lynching, but so far the only candy I've been able to happily filch from the kids is ONE bag of Skittles and TWO mini packs of Starbursts (that's 4 Starbursts total).

Now, don't get me wrong, I like chocolate too, but my favorite candies are Skittles and Starbursts. For all the houses the boys went to, only ONE bag of Skittles has emerged.

And, while I'm on the subject, what's up with those cheap skates who hand out Brach's Star Mint candies??? Oh, you know the ones that NO KID likes and basically guarantees an egging by the older trick or treaters. Seriously, you buy that crap in bulk and can get it at an Italian Restaurant with your bill.

I remember once as a kid getting walnuts at one house instead of candy. Healthy, sure...kid friendly NO WAY!! Poor Charlie Brown only got a rock. Fess up folks, what are your Halloween Horror Candies??? Can't wait to read them!!

1 comment:

Weiss Women said...

I can't believe it but I bought 2 bags of good candy (mini chocolate bars) and 2 HUGE bags of crappy random candy. You know the various tootsie roll sizes and boxes of Dots with some suckers thrown in. I am ashamed. Of course it has come back to bite me because I basically have both of those crappy bags left and no more candy bars. Because I people took those first...and I ate the rest of them. Whoa is me...