Thursday, November 09, 2006

Madilynn Grace

Take note mom, the spelling is MADILYNN.

The other day, my parents called to ask how Maddie spells her name. This would have offended someone else, I'm sure, since they only have 2 granddaughters and Brooke isn't easy to forget how to spell.

However, half the time I look at my kids and call them by the wrong name entirely (I've been known to call Jack "Richie", Nate "Jack", and Maddie "Nate"). When strangers ask me how old they are I actually have to STOP AND THINK ABOUT IT, because I've forgotten, and on a bad day, DO NOT even think of asking me how big they were and how much they weighed when they were born. I can't keep that crap straight, and it's all written down somewhere so that I don't have to.

No, I'm not offended when others forget details that I'm lucky myself to remember about the fruits of my loins. I'm lucky I remember they belong to me because believe me, there are days I try to forget!!

1 comment:

jen said...

If all you do is count them all before you leave someplace then I think names are not important 1, 2, 3 o.k. let's go. It doesn't matter who's 1 2 or 3 just be sure to not count one twice!

You are great!