Monday, June 08, 2009

Life in a NeoPrene Torture Chamber

I'm getting geared up for the first tri of the season on Sunday the 14th, reading thru the e-mail regarding bike racking and other procedurals and I come across the line, "Because of this shit weather we've been having, the water temp is going to be in the low to mid 60's, Wets suits are highly suggested". (Okay, so it's not a direct quote, but close). They offer wetsuit rentals for about $60 (yikes!) and so I sent out a random e-mail to my church circle and lo and behold, a former triathlete is letting me borrow hers for free.

She happens to be tall and skinny, so when I took it, read the tag as being a Women's Large" and tried it on, I was hoping my being shorter than her would make up for her being skinnier than me and the dang thing would fit.

I got it on, barely, but I think it's supposed to be this way. Have you ever donned a wetsuit? It's like wearing full body panty hose, only worse because it's WAY tight and WAY rubbery, so it's more like wearing a freaking full body garden hose. I immediately hated it, but decided I also hate swimming in ridiculously cold water, so I have to vote for myself on the lesser of the two evils: neoprene torture or hypothermia?

What got interesting was when I was trying to take it off. It was glued to me because I was sweating wearing it. I had to have John pull it off my legs, and I'm quite unsure of how I'm going to get it off myself on Sunday. If anyone has any good ideas for quick removal I'd love to hear it. My friend recommended Vaseline, but I'm thinking that may be like putting butter on a burn and am going to look for alternatives....maybe cornstarch powder?

Sunday should be interesting. I'm almost race ready I suppose, but now thanks to this my transition times are going to totally blow.

Oh well, I heard the after party is totally fun! Yes!

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