Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Cooking Again!

On Saturday, my good friend Jenny and I cooked for 7 hours and made a freezerful of meals. We love doing this because in the long run it saves much time and energy, especially at the end of a day when you are too tired to even think about preparing food.

We also are "Angels in Aprons" and made extras of some of our dishes for yet another of our coworkers who have been struck with breast cancer and will be starting treatment very very soon. She has 3 young kids (the oldest is in 8th grade) and really needs our help, and your prayers!

Note the bulk box of baggies and Tylenol on the side!
My island in the kitchen along with the double oven is very conducive to our endeavors.
This is what a 10# tube of meat looks like. I kept trying to get Jen to pose provacatively with it, but she wouldn't. You should see all the food we made with that meat!

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