Thursday, February 08, 2007


That is how Jack says licorice....LICK-A-LISH. It's really cute. So cute, sometimes I even beg him to play Candy Land with me so I can hear him say "I don't want to land on Lord Lickalish". And then when he does, he goes "Whaa Whaa Whaaaaa" Like on a game show. It makes Candyland fun again.

In this photo he was helping my grandmother and I bake cookies. Actually, he made more of a mess than anything, but he likes to be helpful in the kitchen. All weekend long he helped my mom cook. Thank goodness he has short hair and can't burn it off like I did when I was little trying to cook/playing with the stove. For the longest time everyone thought I was a boy...Oh, the trauma of Grade school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute, sweet picture! Lick-A-Lish would be a great name for candy!