Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Never a good sign when above phrase is shouted across the house as 3 year old is trying to get ready for bed and Godzilla is running from room to room laying rabbit turds in a trail behind him, while lauging hysterically. Rephrase...smelly little balls of rabbit turds. And guess whose job it was to clean that mess up? I am currently blogging, ipod-ing (the new bane of my existence) and drinking a beer waiting, oh waiting for their Daddy to come home.

Supposedly the Happy Crapper has such a bad ear infection that I'm supposed to be grateful he doesn't have a perforated ear drum. Really doc, well when he's dancing in the middle of a pile of rabbit turds laughing hysterically as if this is some kind of game he doesn't seem very sick and in pain to me.

And now, I have to refill my beer.


Anonymous said...

Just hook up to an IV of booze. trust me... youll thank me later.

Anonymous said...

I think "Happy Crapper" should be made into a t-shirt!

jen said...

I'll second that. We can make them and sell them to mom's across the world! It will be the symble for mom's everywhere!
Our slogin can be
"The Happy Crapper t-shirt come join us and you can be happy too"
"The Happy Crapper t-shirt, Don't worry be happy"
"You're not happy until the crap hits the fan...the happy crapper t-shirt"

I could go on and on, but you get the picture. I'm sure if I cunsulted my husband(the happiest crapper of all) he would have some great slogans too.
What do you think?