Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I Am Not THAT Crazy

Sometimes, maternal instinct is amazing. I took Jack and Maddie to our Doc. Jack has an upper respiratory infection, Maddie sinus infection. Fine. Any other questions? Why yes doc, as a matter of fact there's this little matter of a sleeping problem with Jack....

Hmmmm.... Mmmmhmmm. Yes, well, I'm not comfortable telling you this is nothing, as it has been going on for a while. He could just be one of those kids that don't need sleep. OR, he could be a pathological insomniac. I think you need to see a Child Psychologist to get to the root of the problem.

A WHAT???? Child Psychologist, for a 3 year old pathological insomniac??


All evidence of what causes insomnia points to no bedtime routine, or one not being enforced. Let me tell you, it is NOT a free for all here. There is consistency, and routine. I am the routine Nazi and it has not helped.

So, what now? Do I take my kid to a psychologist and hope for answers? I am NOT looking to medicate, just for some organic answers, maybe do we need to do deep diaphramatic breathing? Or muscle relaxation techniques? I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

And my worst fear? We go in to see the psychologist, and everyone finds out that I am the YELLING mom, who (gasp) has occasionally resorted to spanking. So my pathological insomniac son has mommy taken away from Mr. Child Protective Services? No way.

Because, in the end, it's all about me and how I look to the public, right?


jen said...

Oh my god you and I are the same! (scary thought right?) I had the same thoughts when I was going through the prosess of diagnosing Jonathan with his LD issues(not the meds) I was so concerned that the social worker would find out "the truth". I do yell and I do occasionally spank...but am I over the edge? NO NO NO NO! Can we sometimes make the wrong choice? maybe, but so does June Cleaver!!! You do NOT need to be worried about a shrink. If they are good then they will help you find answers and give you tools to help you help him. No one will take your children away...because:
#1 you are a great mom! You are far more patient than I will ever be.

#2 You would lay down your life for your kids!(even the insomniac!) They will see that because it is obvious!
#3 the system is sooooooo over crowded with really disturbded families your's could not even compare with them.

Now do I think you should see a psychologist?
I don't think it would hurt, but I seriously think you should watch the nanny first and see if she has any tips that you could apply to your situation. It really helped me and I felt like I had a solid consistant routine too. I have a friend who calls me the sleep Nazi, but I still needed a little help.
Ok enough of this dissertation...I hope you find an answer soon. Call me if you need a pep talk.

p.s. If you think your son has ADD I don't think so.(and he would be too young to tell) BUT I think your Doc. might and that is why he told you to go see the shrink...I'm just guessing, but it would concern me. Have you thought about going to get a second opinion? Again, It wouldn't hurt and you might get some helpful advice. You never know.

Anonymous said...

i have an idea... why dont you see the doctor so that you yourself can get some answers, and God forbid... sleep. Stop thinking of the worst, and maybe all the doc will give you is something like Melatonin. Melatonin is what makes you tired, and it is naturally produced in the human body. hey... it couldnt hurt.