Tuesday, December 05, 2006


The tree is up. I did it today with a little help from Captain Jack. Yesterday/last night was a different story...

It was seriously like something from a movie. Daddy-Oh thought he could at least get the tree up himself. I came home from grocery shopping to some seriously dirty looks. I had to throw some things in the freezer and proceed to breastfeed, so Daddy had to put the rest of the groceries away. The tree fell. Water and gunk were all over our new carpet.

True to Clark Griswold and the Dad in a Christmas story I think I heard mutterings out of my husbands mouth that in 30 years on earth I've never heard before. I'm not sure I understood what some meant. He actually told Jack that the tree fell because he (daddy) put in new carpet. I was nursing and trying to hide giggles behind my hand, because no holiday is complete without a semi-disaster. I half expected him to run across the street and saw the neighbors tree down and have to chase squirrels out of my living room all night.

Karma got me though, Nate crapped in the tub and had to clean it up. HE thought THAT was funny. Ugh!


jen said...

hahahahaha and no I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing with you. You know I will be next. When I actually start decorating that is. Ahhhh the joys of christmas!
P.s. Jackie shits in the tub almost every bath now...I feel your pain!

Anonymous said...

What happened to the great idea of using fishing wire?? :-)
love, Julianne