But I really do. There are just things that have been bugging me to no end.
Like, what the HELL is the BIG deal with this Barak Obama anyway? I get it. He's an Illinois Senator who may run for president. I don't know about other states, but this dude is EVERYWHERE. On Oprah. On the news. On Entertainment Tonight. In the papers. On the radio. ENOUGH!!! He's a senator who doesn't seem do be doing any "senating". Just traveling around signing his stupid books. What does he stand for as a Senator anyway? What's he accomplishing in Washington if he's traveling around writing and signing books? Get off your high horse, and do something other than talk about how awesome your trip to Africa was. Be an effective representative for me, will ya?
And another thing. Occasionally I will flip on the t.v. during the day, maybe catch 2 or 3 minutes of Oprah, or the View. Oh, the View. ROSIE. I personally have had ENOUGH of her and can't stand to even think about turning that show on. She dominates every conversation. She interrupts the other hosts. All she can talk about is how everything goes back to being a lesbian and frankly, Rosie dear, I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!! It's not all about you and your oppression. You are not a good example of a "strong woman with a voice." You're a has been trying to come back. Do something other than thinking you're so cute and funny. Stop calling grown men "Cutie Patooties". You, Rosie, are annoying and are ruining the show. Take that Barbara Walters!!
And really, ENOUGH with Kanye West!! Do you REALLY think that DUBYA hates blacks, or were you just trying to make a stupid statement and sell records? I've heard the non radio approved lyrics to "Golddigger". Do you really think that they're appropriate to be spitting out and then claim WHITE MAN RACISM? Why aren't more people pissed about this? Seriously! I'm with the Dixie Chicks on this one. Practice Freedom of Speech all you want, but then don't go and complain that WHITE MAN keeps you down and then go and use that N word about 800 times in a 3 minute song. Gain some self respect Mr. West. And I'm pretty sure DUBYA doesn't hate blacks, but after your comment, I wouldn't blame him for having personal issues with you. Don't get me wrong on this either. I'm not a DUBYA fan lately. I too,am embarrassed he's from Texas. Hell, at this point I'm also embarrassed I voted for him and feel like a lot of innocent American TEENAGE blood is on my hands thanks to our crappy war in Iraq policy, but that's another rant.
Right now I'm just hoping the war ends before I have to think of sending my beautiful baby boys to Canada (I don't care if it's illegal, I WILL do it). DUBYA and his crappy war are not laying hands on my flesh and blood, especially since we don't know what we're fighting for anymore anyway.
In conclusion, in the words of the wise Forrest Gump: That's all I have to say about that.
Until tomorrow at least.