Sunday, October 01, 2006

Yes, I KNOW I have my hands full

Thank you to everyone who continually tells me "Wow! You've got your hands full, huh?". Although I recognize the need for some cameraderie by random strangers, I do not need their sympathies. Me trashing and bashing with my girlfriends is one thing, but I'm really getting irked by well to do random people giving me that look, then that "grin" and then that line..."You are very busy", OR "You must have your hands full".

Maybe I'm post partum depressing right now. Maybe I never paid attention to it before because I was too busy. But today, I got it TWICE at church alone, and once at the gym. I have a feeling that my count of sympathy was low today because we weren't out in public much, but I swear if I'm out I hear it at LEAST 5 times a day.

And if I don't hear it, I get that look. Ohhhh you all know that look. The "That chick must be crazy, just look at her kids" look. Or the "Wow, do they know what birth control is" look. I can also do without the dirty "She can't even control those kids" look. YOU try buying enough groceries for 5 people with 2 kids in the cart and one strapped via Bjorn onto your chest. YOU try functioning on 3 hours of sleep, and then tell me how much control you've got.

And I'm wondering if it would be different if I had all girls? Or if I had 2 girls and 1 boy, or Hell, what would I be getting if I had ALL boys??? Ugh ugh ugh.

So, My girlfriends and family, when I complain to you, it's because I know I can. To you would be sensitive random stranger trying to make nice, Yes, I know I'm busy. Now, please stop giving me that look!!!

1 comment:

jen said...

I feel your pain...those looks make you feel like a bad mom and crazy to boot. f@#K them!! They either have been there and done(those are the sympathy looks) or had 1-2 kids and don't have a clue! Some moms don't even try to get out and DO something! Bravo to you for braving out and trying to get things done! You should be proud!