Friday, October 06, 2006


You know you are officially OLD OLD OLD when you take your kids out for a walk to the hill at the end of the block, teach them how to logroll by logrolling down the hill yourself, and you get dizzy. Very very very in still haven't recovered an hour later dizzy.

I may be old, but I had fun logrolling, and laughing on this beautiful fall sunshiney day. The boys seemed to love playing together too, despite bronchitis (Jack), and teething (Nate).

Oh, and I only got 2 "Wow, you have your hands full" comments today. One at the mall (had to buy nursing bras) and one while logrolling. So, I guess even when I look like I'm having fun (which I was) people still need to comment on my choice to have 3 kids.



jen said...

I love logrolling!(I've not done it in forever for fear of the consquences -ie vomiting dizziness etc.) What great fun!

Don't take the comments so personally. People don't get it, just smile and say thank you I love it and move on with your day. You will find that you will soon feel better about it and not notice the looks and comments anymore.
Know that you ARE a good mom I think that you don't and that's why this bothers you so much. (This coming from a mom of 3 who just doesn't give a shit what people think anymore. I do the best I can and my children seem to be fine. Anyone who thinks otherwise can kiss it!)
Call me anytime if you need a pep talk! Go team "Crazy Mom"

Weiss Women said...

This reminds me of the Wiggles "rolling down the sand dunes, rolling down the sand dunes, Oooh, Aaaah, Wheee!"
Your a fun mom!