Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Iowa/Omaha Day 1 Part 1

I'm going to have to write these blogs in increments because we were sooo busy. And I took almost 300 pictures. So bear with me.

We left on Monday the 3rd of August. Packed the car with a few backpacks of clothes, our swimsuits and bikes, and transformed and rolled out by 8. We had planned a stop overnight in Iowa in a cute little city near Iowa City called Corallville. I looked, but did not see any coral.

The Iowa Children's Museum was located there. It was so great. Mostly it was great because we already have reciprocal museum passes, so it cost me nothing to get the kids in when it would otherwise have been $25. I love our museum pass.

There is a grocery store in the museum. These pics are all in random and backwards order because...well there are lots of reasons. For now, just because.

This is Nate buying bread. The bread looks a little phallic to me, don't you think? Okay, the next 2 pictures will shock and surprise you. They are pics of my three children playing together. And not fighting. And they are playing without swords or other weapons.

Maddie makes her purchasse while Nate waits somewhat patiently (another oddity) and Jack is the "checker outer guy". Jack was trying to build something here. This room is cool. There are wooden sticks and things and bolts and nuts and you can put them together to make a structure of sorts. The only problem is, everytime Jack went to refill his supply bucket the pseudo-Nazi cleaner/volunteer kept picking up after him. I was like, "Dude, he's NOT done yet."
Anywho, Note the Orange hat. He wears orange almost as well as his Opa.

There was a room full of displays about kids from various parts of the world. This one was Maddie's favorite. It was about a little Russian girl named Olga who lives and breathes ballet. I thought it was a bit stereotypical, but maybe not since the exhibit was more 'ballet' centric than 'gymnastics'. Still, isn't the Bolshoi ballet pretty famous?
This is Maddie doing ballet to Olga's favorite music.

Nate, somewhere in the Amazon found him a resting place. Only thing missing is the t.v.

More ballet. It was really cute to watch her dancing.

Chef Willie, making me a scrumdiddlyumptious pizza. With EVERYTHING on it. And I mean EVERYTHING.

Oh, please, please please please PLEASE let this be a glimpse into the future. Add to it the scholarships he will win because of his genius-ness.

The kids also had fun putting my broken foot in a boot and driving me to the nearest hospital in via the ambulance that was in the museum. Nate stole my crutches and broke the other foot. Two boots and one wacked out ride with Nate (that boy is NEVER getting his real license if the simulator is any indication of future performance) I was right as rain and able to take the kids to the fossil gorge.
Stay tuned....

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