For her birthday party, I decided to do a "Princess Theme". We had a handfull of 3 and 4 year old neighbors and such, and everyone was supposed to dress up and come over to get their hair, nails and make-up done. I had asked our Awesome Babysitter Haylee to come over to do nails and she brought a friend as well. Haylee is so great, she wouldn't even let me pay her...I tried and she walked out my door to leave. Not many jobless 16 year olds would do that. Not to mention she's a super cheerleader. She's been on the varsity squad since she was a freshman and takes it very seriously. Aaaaandd, she and her friend were a big help with cleaning and organizing too. Makes you think there's hope for future generations and knowing there are still 'good kids' out there makes me a hopeful parent that people will like my kids in the same respects.
This is Haylee and her friend doing make-up on Maddie, and nails on Brooke. My sister donated her expertise and did the girls' hair do's. She's talented that way. I bought all the stuff she requested, because she knows hair. I do not. I DID add on the glitter spray to my list. The girls loved that. And they all loved their crown like circle braids on top of their heads. Thaks Steph!
This is Brooke's new modeling picture, or something like an 80's style Glamour Shot. She looks a helluva lot older than 3 here, but it's cute anyways. The fun thing about Brooke is she likes all this girly girl stuff. And she gets Maddie involved too. So it all works out. Brooke and Auntie help accessorize, and Uncle Johnny and Auntie Jenny spoil in other which you'll see later.
Yummmy! Cake part one. Brooke got to eat 2 cakes that day, because she is both friend and family and stayed for both parties.
This is the cake I made. It was supposed to be more 'pastelly' but came out an outrageously pink color with hot purple accents. The hearts on top are chocolate hearts I made from a mold. Part of the girls' favors were chocolate suckers I made from princess molds, so the hearts were like an added bonus. As a non professional this cake totally beats out Nate's professional wreck job. You can check his out here, if you need a refresher:
I wonder what she wished for? What would YOU wish for? Hmmm...
Mmmm...Cake. And yes, even the cake was pink. I kept that theme going, which is highly unusual for me. It was nasty too...strawberry flavored and all. But not a crumb of it was left, believe it or not.
This is cake #2, the Dairy Queen poo cake as my dad refers to it. It's a long story, but it's a great cake. And in case you're wondering, I was a good mom and made Jack a special Jello dessert. Okay, I take that back. I've NEVER made Jello in my life. I think it's disgusting and I'm allergic to it anyways, so JOHN made the Jello. Yay for daddies.
This was after her 'panana'. It was a Tinkerbell panana and damned if I didn't buy the good candy...chocolate and all. Isn't that the whole point of Costco? To buy crap in bulk?
Present time! She got so many fun many cute outfits in size 3T we're hoping will fit next year!
Second cake candle blowout. Look at Brooke eyeing the cake. She knows it's ice cream. And that girl and her mother do not mess around with ice cream. Presented with ice cream, they go into stealth mode, a certain one track mind fastidiousness with devouring it all before it melts. When Brooke gets married, her dessert will be ice cream. I'm pretty sure about that.
This is how WE spoil our Godchildren. We give them sweets. In some regards, sweets are so much better than accessories. Look at Bryce. He's SO excited. And John was certainly amused as well. The kid is awesome. He likes him some good eats.
This is the singing card that Opa had to run out in the middle of the princess party to get. I guess I'm glad he did (sort of) because it's pretty much the only present that mattered to Miss M. She carries it everywhere. It goes in the jeep with her when she and Nate go for rides outside. It sits on her dresser. It comes to mealtimes. I have the song memorized. Yes, "Every girl can be a princess...." and every mother can want to pull her fingernails out with tweezers and toothpicks.
Height: can't remember inches, but she's in the 67th percentile.
Weight: 27 pounds, or the 13th percentile
Bloodtest for anemia: Pending
Hair Color: Barely there (it's so thin) but mostly blond.
Eye color: Blue. Very big and very blue.
Looks Like: Daddy. Spitting freaking image of him, actually. Even though every time I start a sentence with the words "Your daughter" he tries to whip out a retort as "Allegedly". Dude, she's your freaking twin. And I barely have the time and patience for you, let alone any other member of the defective "Y Chromosome Species" so own it already.
Clothing size: if pants or shorts- 18months to 2 T, but only if elastic adjustable waist bands are involved. Dresses: Mostly 2T but can so SOME 3's.
Likes: Gymnastics (we started today, she's a total natural...thanks to her low-tone), princesses, Barbies, Tom and Jerry and He-Man Cartoons, Dora, and Max and Ruby, her Barbie Guitar and anything else musical, popcorn and CHOCOLATE!!!
Dislikes: Strawberries, tomatoes, blueberries, actually, most fruits and veggies, cleaning up after herself, being told telling Jack that he's stupid is "Not okay", and pretty much any other adult direction she happens to disagree with.
Excited about: School and being a big girl already. Wow. How time certainly flies. Only of course, because I've been having so much fun. Of course.
This was a wonderful post! I am going to show the girls. We wish we all could have been there! She is such a fun sweet little Maddie! Happy Birthday!
Happy 3rd to Maddie! This party looked awesome from the nail and hair activities to the cakes! No cake wrecks here!
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