These photos are from the Omaha zoo. It's a great zoo, and now they have a new "exhibit", if you will. It's called the Skyfari, and it's basically a ski lift you ride from one end to the other. It actually worked out really well for us, because between the 3 adults that were there, we had 8 kids, and still lost track of Nathan no less than 4 times. The Skyfari takes you over the giraffes and Ostriches, rhinos and elephants, which is super great because it was a far, far walk to see them, and with 8 kids, one of whom is chronically lost, it would have been a very long day.
Check out that Madditude before heading in to the zoo. LIke she's all in charge. Seriously?
I love this picture. I'm not sure why. This is inside the aquarium part of the zoo, and I had turned off my flash. I took my picture at the same time someone else took theirs, so it's borrowed flash. It looks so space-agey, or something like that.
I looked up, the stingray hovered and looked down. So, if you've ever wondered what the underside of a stingray looks like, this is it:
Behind the glass in the penguin house. I HATE penguins. They're smelly, foul birds. I hate them ALMOST as much as I hate cats and goats. I think it's a 3 way tie actually. They're just gross animals. But they lend themselves to fun photos.
Getting our picture with Spongebob. That's a weird cartoon, but sadly it makes more sense than "Max and Ruby" and is slightly less annoying than "Caillou". Hey, we all have standards, right?
We went into the bug house and this little beauty was pressed up against the glass. I think those holes in the abdomen are it's ears.
I love this grin. This is one of the few times we didn't lose him coming out of an exhibit. That little devil smile is exhasting.
More naturey pics from the butterfly house. I really love playing with my camera.
Action shot of discovery. You can almost hear him saying, "Look at that one mom!"
The group minus the baby. What a great bunch of kiddos!
It was a great day. It was a great trip. The ride home to IL two days after the zoo was extra long, what with Maddie having an episode of diarrhea and all, but otherwise the trip was untainted, relaxing, and a fabulous experience. We couldn't have asked for better hosts to stay with (THANK YOU TIMES ONE MILLION!), and I know that someday we'll go back.
Just as soon as I get over the 9 and 1/2 hour car ride home. Aaaaany day now.
I am SO jealous! Glad you got to see Julianne and my girl, Les! I am dying to get back to Omaha, but it is 12 hours for me....maybe next year we meet up in chi town and then try the trip together. you knwo, you, me, and 5 kids. Sounds great, huh?
Oh YAllison you can do it! It isn't that bad of a ride! Of course diahrea slows things down. But that doesn't happen everytime. We really had so much fun having you Crazy Crickters here! It was so much fun! You are great house guests and wonderful people!
or diarrhea...spelling...sigh.
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