Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fun in Iowa, Day 1 part 2

After we left the children's museum, we checked into our hotel and had a lovely swim in our hotel with some chick I picked up via the internet and reading her blog. Don't worry, she's totally legit-I went to the same college as her hubby. And she made me the art for my kitchen/family room area. And she made a pretty rockin' picture to remind my friend Nicole what she'll be missing when she moves to Florida and away from book club. Sigh...

Anyways, Keri is a very cool chick, and brought her 2 boys to swim. Her oldest is Nate's age and the baby is cute as can be, but pays more than a little homage to "Captain Chaos". He's very busy. And she's very skinny because of it. And I'm jealous because I'm not. It was VERY nice to talk to another grown up and mommy though, because I'd felt isolated for the past 8 hours with no one but Jane Eyre as an adult voice in my head.

Moving on. After they headed out, we took a half hour dinner detour and checked out that fossil gorge I mentioned in a previous post. As you will see from the photos, this place is really pretty. It's neat-what with being able to find fossils everywhere. It's a heart-attack and ER visit waiting to happen rolled all into one nice ball if your kids are as talented at falling as Nate is, or your daughter is wearing shoes with NO gription. Sigh...this is probably the one place I wished I had an extra hand, just so I could take pictures unmolested.

I'm not sure what the boys are looking at here. I'm pretty sure I probably don't even want to know.
Welcome to artsy fartsy 101. Amid all these craggy unstable rockages, plants grow big and beautiful. Upon closer inspection...ooooh....a bee!!!

Okay, this is why I damn near had a heart attack. Look ma! No hands! Look Ma! Large bleeding and gaping head wound! Look ma! I broke my leg AND my neck!

This landscape shot just gives a good idea of what the surfaces of the rocks were like. A lot of climbing and unsure footing.

Thanks to the tutelage of my friend Jen and her SLR, I have been sort of working on the "preference"setting on my camera, instead of having everything be automatic. I have also been working on portraits. Here's my latest stab (nowhere near what she can do) at it, when I had about 2.2 seconds before the Divine Miss M decided pictures are no fun and she'd rather be climbing.

Here is another landscape photo. I wasn't kidding with the unsure footing thing.

I should really show this to his occupatinal therapist. After I take my tranquilizers. I'm not really a nervous Nelly, but this place put me over the edge just a little bit. Incidentally, we didn't stay long and headed back to IHOP for pancakes for dinner.

Talk about the one kid I didn't worry about in the least to navigate the rocks. Jack was totally fine and even enjoyed scouting for the fossils.

I have nothing to say about the next pic. You all know how I feel by this point.

It was a great stay in Iowa that night. After pancakes and baths, Nate literally passed out in 2 seconds. Jack was sleeping on the couch that pulled into a bed because he thought that it was SOOO cool, and I had my own bed. Nice. However, the only thing I could find on t.v. as we were winding down was "Futurama". How bad could that cartoon be? Speaking from experience, as it turns out, that cartoon can be pretty bad. There was a lot of swearing that I'm pretty sure my kids in their cartoon comas did not pick up on, thank goodness.
In the morning, we had a lovely FREE breakfast. Not just an icky old oranges and crappy cereal continental breakfast either. There was a waffle machine, and chafing dishes full of 2 different kinds of scrambled eggs, and dish of breakfast potatoes. There were 5 different kinds of juices and 3 different brews of coffee to choose from. There was cereal, rolls, pastries, bread and bagels, yogurt, fresh GOOD get the idea. It was, on the whole, a fabulous experience.
We left around 10 for Omaha. And I realized I had forgotten to pack Maddie any underwear....
(How's that for a cliffhanger?)

1 comment:

Keri Speidel said... least you have boobs! :) Captain Chaos...what a perfect name, I think I'm going to steal it.