Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Try to Keep Up, If You Can. And, If You're "Trying", You Probably Just Can't

One of my favorite t.v. shows out there right now is Brothers and Sisters. The reasons are many. 1.) Rob Lowe. He came on after I fell in love with the show, but he's a total added bonus. 2.) Rachel Griffiths (Still in love with her from her "6 Feet Under" days, and 3.) You can't beat Sally Field. Boniva lady got game.
Aside from the acting on the show, which is top notch, the family interactions totally remind me of my own "brother and sister". Sure, we aren't millionaires with a successful wine buisness whose father cheated on their mother and married to U.S. senators, BUT, if you ever watch the show, and you watch their family dinners, interactions they have with each other, well, it could make a person (namely me) feel as though their life is scripted.
Case in point. Saturday we got to attend my cousin Erin's wedding. We had so much fun. Steph had her obligatory ONE glass of wine and was, ummm..."happy". The 3 of us continued through the evening (at dinner especially), laughing at one another, poking fun, drawing out hidden truths (also often done on the show), and trying to see just how many of mom and dad's buttons we could push.
I almost feel sorry for someone looking in. It's like we have our own language. John and Craig have given up trying to keep pace, they just sneak in funny little comments and asides here and there. Poor Anna's head was swiveling. John has said that since the day he met us, we've been fighting. But see, he's wrong. We're not really 'fighting'. This is how we communicate. It is open, honest, and we all still love each other at the end of the day.
Ever see the show? Whenever one sibling tells another sibling a "secret" cell phones start buzzing to let everyone else in on the "secret". We kinda do the same thing. There's a lot of "I thought I told you not to tells..." without any real compunction or anger behind it.
As I said before, we had fun. I could make fun of my brother's faux hawk (Beckham wannabe) and he still took me out on the dance floor. My buzzed sister and I stayed on the floor for the couples dance, you know the one where the DJ tells you to get off the floor if you've been married, 5, then 10 , then 15 years etc. etc. We were in the top 5 for sure, because we figured we'd been together 29 years.
We also invented a new dance. Sure we busted out the good ol' "lawnmower", and the "shopping cart" and the "sprinkler". But we were inspired as our rhythmically challenged dad pushed Grandma on the dance floor in her wheelchair. Dad can't dance on a good day, throw a wheelchair in front of him, and well, he was kinda running people off the road so to speak. So our new dance for the next wedding is titled, "Dad running over Stephanie with Grandma's wheelchair". You need to see it to get the full effect. Trust me.
I hope I get pictures from Lea and my sister soon (e-mail ladies). We were all pretty and the boys were effectively gelled and we make a nice looking 10 some for sure. But if you happen to attend or be near us during a function and you can't keep pace with us, don't worry it's not you. We're kinda crazy, and we like it that way.
Did I forget to mention I looked up my sisters skirt in the bathroom.....
Another blog day, another blog story......


Anonymous said...

So that's what all the laughter was about at your table. I wasn't sure I wanted to turn around. You were all having so much fun and I'm glad for it. It was a hoot to see your dad steering grandma on the dance floor. Grandma said she loved every minute of it. The most important thing was we were together and made memories didn't we? Definitely what 'family' is all about.
aunt eileen

Anonymous said...

ps yes there is nothing like the relationship between 'brother and sisters' you,Richie & Stephanie just like your dad, aunt pat, aunt lea and myself.