Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Filing Fraudelant Claims, Subtitled: Adventures in A Drug Induced Happy Land

Aside from not being able to keep up with blogging due to my out of control schedule which is about to get worse when I add Nate's additional 60 minutes of speech per week (divided into 2x's/wk at 30 minutes each because I don't run around enough), I got this phone call as I was leaving book club Sunday...

"Hi Mom"-That's me answering.
"Hi. I just thought you'd like to know I'm on my way to the hospital to pick up Bryce and then over to Stephanie's to watch Brooke. She is in the ER and they think it's her appendix".
"WTF??" That's me again.

Long story short, my sister wound up having an appendectomy around 4 a.m. yesterday. This follows closely on the heels of delivering a damn near 9 lb. baby sans drugs. And for those of you in the area following the news, the stabbing victim in St. Charles wound up at the same hospital as Steph and she got sent to the back of the triage bus so that he could die on the operating table an hour before they took her in. They're lucky her appendix didn't EXPLODE (sounds more dramatic that 'rupture'). Then I'd have been pissed.

Yesterday morning I got a message around 10 from my sister. Almost verbatim it went like this:
"Dude....I am so awesome. Let me tell you how awesome I am. I am soooo awesome. Call me because I'm bored. Here's my number...."

She was like, 4 hours post op ranting about how awesome she is, so I tried calling her back, but it didn't work because she gave the direct line to the hopital's fraudulant claims hotline. The poor operator thought I was filing a complaint. No buddy, just trying to find my awesome sister. He asked me about 4 times how I even got that number. I kept explaining my awesome sister is in YOUR hospital and she gave it to me, at which point he said he was in a building completely unrelated and practically in another town from said hospital. He finally gave me the right number and I finally got a hold of my sister.

Me: "Sooo...how ya feelin'?"
Awesome Steph: "Dude, this totally sucks. I don't know what's worse, having a baby or this. Probably the baby though, because at least I got drugs for this."
Me: "Uh huh. Soooo, do you know you gave me the fraud hotline number instead of your room?"
AS: "Now way dude! I must've looked at the phone wrong. I AM on drugs you know".
Oh yes sistah...we know....

All jesting aside, she's home and sore and dealing pretty well with having to nurse a 2 week old. My mom took Brooke home with her last night, and everyone keeps saying she's lucky this happened AFTER the baby was born.

True...true..but that's not to say she can't enjoy those painkillers just a little bit for ALL that ails her...stiches here, there and well, you know ladies...everywhere) even though it was ONLY ONE...STILLL)....


Weiss Women said...

I hope she continues to have a good recovery. I can't imagine having emergency surgery after giving birth like that! I wish a speedy recovery to her! She is lucky you and your family are there to help her.love, J

Keri Speidel said...

okay, I don't know who she is but she rocks. Who delivers a 9lb baby without drugs....wow, major props to her. I like drugs....and stitches....many many many stitches!