Wednesday, April 11, 2007

No More Markers

This happened a couple of weeks ago, with black Sharpie magic marker. Not only was it all over my children, it was all over the walls, and furniture as well. And Darlene, Thanks, that Magic Eraser is seriously the best invention ever. I don't know what's in it, and I do not care. My furniture is relatively marker free now....

Jack displays his self-imposed tatooes.
Check out THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOT. This little number got sharpie on my new carpeting.
Is Sharpie marker toxic at all?
I can't figure out how to flip the photo, but you get the jist. Nate was Jack's canvass for the day.
The words, "Hey mom, I look like a pirate!" are never a good thing to hear.
Keep in mind that during all this, both parents were home, tending to usual household duties. Also keep in mind that Body Art Part II took place yesterday as I was putting the little ones down for a nap. Jack now has purple spots on his torso and a purple belly button.
I really need to figure out how to clone myself and be 2 places at once....


jen said...

Marker tatooing NEVER ends! Jonathan (7) just came home from CCD with Dark purple, non washable , Large drawings of nothing on both ofhis hands and upper arms! That S@#%T does not come out easily! Not even after 2 baths!
Let the fun continue!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad your carpet is a little cleaner now....keep using the Mr Clean Magic whatever they are....I love them too!! Also HIDE THE MARKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
