Wednesday, July 08, 2009

When Summer Chooses To Grace Us With Her Presence

Today is another crappy, rainy, blah de blah day. I HATE this weather. I HATE this summer. Where are the strings of 9o plus humidity so high you can't breathe, but it feels good to be alive outside? Ugh. I just want to turn the heat on today, for me it is that cold. I HATE being cold.

My flowers are barely blooming from lack of sunshine. But when summer comes, it's good enough to ride the new splash bomb waterslide thingy majiggy.

Complete with ramps and a speed board.

You go Nate!

She doesn't ever ride the ramps, just stands in the shallow 'pool' water and splashes around. Whatever floats her boat. Come on summer, I'm waiting!

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