Monday, March 16, 2009

Our Special Friends on the Wii

Jack has created several Wii Mii characters. Most of them are bearded ladies with the ability to "mingle". So, if you're doing the Wii fit in our house, chances are a bearded lady will run past you, throw you a hula hoop, or kick a panda bear at your head. And so, I had the following conversation with my son today. Not sure how it started, but at least I know he's learning a bit about how the world works- that being he's not at the center of it.

Jack-"Can I play the Wii?"
Me-"Why, so a bearded lady could run past you?"
Son-"You know mom, Sawyer (his friend at Sunday school) says he knows someone who is a bearded lady. And you know mom, we shouldn't make fun of people who are different from us. God made everyone different and special, we shouldn't make fun of people mom. Even bearded ladies".

Touche' son, touche'.

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