Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What were YOU doing Saturday night?

Well, WE (as in Jack and I) spent the wee hours of Sunday morning in the ER. He couldn't breathe right, and John was going to take him in. I think he was reliving BAD memories from childhood. Needless to say, earlier Saturday John had taken the kids in to see the Doctor on Sat. a.m and I'm thinking that the Phys. Assistant who was there didn't really want to be there, because she blew this one.I took these phtos with my camera phone while Jack was having his 2nd breathing treatment. Let me back up my story by saying that if ever you need to go to the ER, bringing in a 4 year old who is having difficulty breathing fast passes you straight to a bed.

Anyway, he's fine, just a REALLY bad case of the croup. But I started to freak out when they determined he had a fever, gave him about 4 different drugs (steroids, tylenol, motrin, etc.), and during his 1st breathing treatment started to barf into the mask. At 2 a.m. the only thing going thru my mind was "Oh my God, he's getting worse. It must be West Nile". Why West Nile? I'm not sure. I just know there's a lot of mosquitos out.

These pics were taken right before they took chest and neck x-rays. He thought that was the BOMB! He had to wear an adult gown because his jammies had sick on them, and the kid gowns had snaps at the shoulders (not good for x-rays). When he got into the lab, they put a little pouch on him to protect his boy parts, and he said "Look mom, I'm Obi Wan Kenobi". Yup, he sure did.

After the x-rays, the tech put him on the bed to wheel back down the hall, but he was having none of that until he saw his bones. So she was nice enough to take him in and show him.

They made him take another round of steroids to reduce the swelling in his voice box, and he had to eat a popsicle and keep it down before they let us leave. We got home a little after 3:30 a.m. and I made the executive decision to skip church, heathen that I am anyway.

Believe it or not, according to the ER nurse, Croup isn't contagious. I'm not sure if I believe her, as Maddie sounds hoarse today, but Jack was actually okay to go to school Monday. No fever and he was bouncing off the walls, so I guess he's fine.

Definitely on the mend, at the very least!


Weiss Women said...

I think you should have gone to church...you needed a nap after a night like that! I am glad he is doing better, I hope the others don't get sick as well.
love, Julianne

jen said...

They might not get "the croup", but the virus i.e. cold the shit came in on. If they get and it's not too bad don't forget to try to do the bathroom steam thing or a walk in the outdoors does a good job too, but not in the middle of the night.
I also agree with the Weiss woman (which by the way I love your blog and we should be friends too) you should have gone to church to get in a good nap!!!
I'm glad to hear everthing is getting better and hopefully this is not a sign of things to come.
(Flu season)
Love ya