Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Picasso or Pollack?

Okay, so Julianne has inspired me to be doing this, mostly though I want to be keeping a record of what my crazy children are up to on a regular basis. Sort of like a diary that hopefully I can make a million dollars off of one day. If Jenny McCarthy can do it, so can I!

Since I'm soon to be a proud owner of a digital cameral, hopefully photos will be forthcoming....

Anyways, I'm going to write my first blog about what happened at Oma and Opa's house this weekend. Since John has been on bedrest for a week, and couldn't watch the kids on Saturday while I went to work, the boys stayed at my mom and dad's Friday after the King "Tit" exhibit. Saturday I got a frantic call from my brother, muffled with giggles, as to what could possibly get Penaten diaper cream out of hair, skin, clothing, bedding, walls, carpeting, and even Elmo. Apparently, at 7 a.m. my mom was awaken out of a DEAD SLEEP (okay, that's the first problem to be in a dead sleep at 7 a.m. with Jack around) by my dad. Jack had painted Nate up Al Jolsen style with the entire container of diaper cream. His hair, face, any available skin really, had been lubed with "butt creme". And all Nate did was sit there with his thumb in his mouth letting big brother do his damage. And, no one thought to take a picture!!! Nate could've used it as blackmail FOR YEARS!!!

Twenty-five washings and eighteen gallons of mineral oil later, I finally picked up my children to take them home. Although they'd been in a pool all day, they still were a little shiny and greasy and slippery to the touch, but I loved 'em and kissed 'em anyways.

I sincerely hope Oma and Opa learned their lesson...either get up earlier, or turn on that moniter!!!!

1 comment:

Weiss Women said...

LOVE IT!! I am so glad you are on the bandwagon! It is a lot of fun. Butt Cream may be the next big thing in skin care. When Nate becomes a model he will only have Jack to thank!