Saturday, July 29, 2006

In Praise of Sisters-In-Law, antibiotics, and Chocolate Oreo Ice Cream

I'm finally feeling up to writing this post...About a week ago (very long story short) I was diagnosed with a strep or a staph infection in my breast. Apparently, these things "just happen" but usually to nursing mothers, not those who are still lugging around a bowling ball in the midsection. I honestly have never been in such pain. Sure labor hurt, but at least there are nice drugs called epidurals to help with that. This was just awful. Until I started taking antibiotics, which supposedly do nothing to hurt the baby. All hail the Z-Pack.

My sister in law actually saved me the day I had to go to the Dr. She called off work, came and took care of the boys, and when all was said and done took them on an adventure that lasted long enough for me to finally get some sleep, since I hadn't slept the night before. The whole sleep thing alone was worth a million bucks to me...all Hail the SIL!!!

Lastly, the next night, when I was finally up to it (antibiotics do a number on my tummy), hubby went out for ice cream. Baskin Robbins had a chocolate oreo number that was just divine. I'm drooooooling thinking about it. Yummmmmy!

Through all of this, I was so sad that I missed a dear friend's visit from Nebraska. She and I had just started bonding when she had to move...she's great, I don't think there are many people who wouldn't bond instantly w/ this chic chica. But, she came over to visit me in my misery with my messy house declaring that she couldn't care less, and she even had a gift for Miss Thang. I'm so glad I got to see how big and beautiful her girls have gotten, even if they did sleep the whole time. Another instance worth a million...all Praise Yummy ice cream and good friends who have seen you at your worst and don't care that your house looks like a pigsty!!!

And in case anyone is wondering, the boob is feeling better.

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