Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Is it a "Jenny Movie?"

I'll admit I'm not a romance movie/novel person. I own (not my husband) the box sets of both Indiana Jones and James Bond movies, and can't stop watching "Predator" when it's on the F/X channel. But, I watched "Brokeback Mountain" today to see what the fuss was all about, and I don't get it. I'm sorry if I sound mean, but I thought it was just a boring movie, AND would have felt that way if it were about a hetero couple as well, so I don't want to hear any "I'm anti-gay" comments. I'm not, I'm just anti- love story. Yeah, I get the whole "in the closet" thing, but the movie was (for me at least) along the lines of "The Notebook". I HATED that one.

My sister rates her movies and how much she's going to like them based on a "Jenny movie" scale. For example, she will call me and say, "Jenny, I rented Blah de Blah. Will I like it, or is it a total "Jenny movie?" So, Steph, I am sure you will like "Brokeback" since I pretty much didn't at all. 2 stars out of 5 and only for the acting and scenery. Beautiful scenery....

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