Saturday, May 01, 2010

Ooooh Boys!

Maddie has not been well. This has been a VERY rough week for her. I feel like I am violating her human rights everytime I am putting a per doctor's orders Tylenol Suppository up her booty. This morning she shot me looks that could kill and I know she hated me for it, until 20 minutes later when she was feeling well enough to eat and she forgot all about her uh, 'issues'.

I decided to take the boys with me to Tar Jhay to buy John's cousin a nice gift for her wedding shower (which is tomorrow, way to plan ahead Jen) and I told them if they were good we'd go out to lunch. Which was a total lie because I REALLY wanted Burrito's Grande (a cute little new place in our town) and I didn't care if they were good or not, I was going there come hell or high water. The Big Bull's Eye just happens to be right next to Kohl's and I wanted to pop in to see if I could find something decent to wear tomorrow and possibly something to match the tutu can can skirts I bought Maddie and Brooke to wear for Brooke's birthday party (They can match, they're the closest thing the either of them will have to having a sister and my sister and I liked to match just for the fun of it, so there!).

Fast forward, Ding and Dong were running thru aisles, hiding in clothing racks, making fart jokes, hitting each other and just being overall gross in that acceptably unacceptable boy like nature.

Whatever. I ditched Kohl's and went to lunch, because I WAS HUNGRY. We made a last ditch effort at the resale shop, where I said, (and this is pretty much a direct quote, "If you 2 don't knock it off, I will beat you silly and I don't care if these nice ladies call DCFS on me because a quiet jail cell all alone will be LIKE A VACATION!"

And then I heard the ladies behind the counter laughing, because neither they nor my own children finds it ever necessary to take me seriously. I think those blue hairs went home and relayed my frustration to their own daughters and found it hilarious and in an oddly comeraderie-like way. Sigh.

I came home and told John I feel like I have spent the day with Beavis and Butthead. Because this is just how boys are. At my White Trash Garage Sale (yes that was the title and I will blog about it later) my good friend Jenny was watching Maddie and said that I deserved a kid like her, because not that the boys are 'bad' but I just sort of needed a friend.

Yes, Yes I do.

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