Already he really enjoys doing things like addition flashcards and he's really GOOD at them. It freaks me out a bit, because flashcards and extra-curricular learning activities aren't somethings I really push, what with being a former teacher and a current developmental therapist and all. I just figure my kids are geniuses, and they don't need any help from me. And I'm kinda just lazy like that. It's a good thing too, because apparently both boys have gotten John's "I can Do Math" gene. They haven't really acquired my "I like to read and play Scrabble with Big Words" gene. It's probably better this way.
This is the nicest picture we can get of me with the kids. Maybe someday we'll all be photogenic together. Although I'll probably be old and wrinkley and hate the picture anyways.
I wanted a nice photo with Daddy. Daddy hates pictures and always makes that face. He really does. You should see my wedding album. And my sister's. And any one else's for that matter. It's his signature smirk. The kids wanted to take a pyramid picture with daddy. Well, okay then.
Here's the handsome boy himself. He cleans up real nice, but it was really hard to keep him that way for a whole 15 minutes, 7 of which are spent on the car ride to the preschool.
This is classic for my kids. Jack looks like Frankenstein. Maddie looks weird, and Nate's got his father's smirk. I really can't win.
The cap made it official. They even played the graduation march when the kids came in. Very cute to see a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds marching up the aisle to the graduation march. There were a lot of tears.
This is Nate with Miss Cheryl, the "Pricibol" of the school. He's very happy he got his own Bible, because he likes to play "I spy with my little eye....JESUS!". It is a picture book, with ONE picture on each page. Jesus isn't really an elusive character. He's not really quite up to the level of difficulty to find as say...Waldo.
Nate picked out his own cake. We had a pizza party, and he got some presents, his favorite being a new Superhero Squad game from Oma. That game is pretty much like crack. He is addicted, and I think I've seen him get the shakes when I make him turn it off.
Summer is officially here for the little ones. Now I just have to find fun things to do while Big Brother is still in school. I've got zoo passes and Children's Museum passes, so I'm ready for the fun.
On another note, I'm feeling a bit better but still VERY fatigued and run down. I've had a headache since Wednesday night, but I'm working thru it. Because I'm the mom and that is what I do.
Way to go Nate! I'm very proud of you!
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