Monday, November 02, 2009

Nate, The Cold Bug, and a Tiny Little "Life" Lesson

It's already very cold outside. I don't do cold well. I hate cold. We all know that. My kids don't seem to feel my pain. At all.

That is the preface for this story. Nate wanted to go play and harass the neighbor boy into playing with him. He ran out the door, and about 3 minutes later came back yelling:

" Mom! Mom! I found this really really cold bug by Erik's house. He needs to come inside and stay warm. We need to help him." I then had to inform him, that no, we can't keep the bug warm in our house. And then I got this face. He was so sad.

This is the upclose photo of the really "cold" bug. So cold he had rigormortis.

'Please mom, can't we help him?"

We have no pets for a reason. I'm not starting up with bugs at this point either. Enough said.

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