Today was Nate and Maddie's first day of school. John and I drove home in the van and it was so quiet. John was in heaven. He likes the quiet. Actually, I do to, but for 6 years I have not had a quiet moment. Even when my kids are sleeping their either making noise or talking. In their sleep. But today was quiet. I suggested to my hubby that we should go out for breakfast next Thursday and enjoy our time together, since he can be a little flexible with his work stuff.
Miss M. was SO excited to go into school. The teacher told her to find her name on the apple cut-out. She told her it started with "M", so miss smarty pants found the M in the alphabet rug and sat there. I helped her out, but really she was just doing what the teacher said, right? This is the happy girl waving me out of the room. She is so excited to learn. I know she'll be fine, I'm only just a little worried because she is so young. Some of the kids will turn four within a month and she just turned three. She'll be alright though. I just know it.
Yelling, "It's my first day of school! Yay! Yay! Yay!"
He looks sad, but he was really fine. I think he may have been upset he had to do circle time instead of playing with the dump truck behind him, but he's an old pro at this.
Yes, the backpack is bigger than she is. Here's the Irish twins, going to school together. These two are always together. I love it, except when he's poking her in the back with his finger and otherwise creating a ruckus.
Soooo excited!!!
This picture was a little harder to get, because right in front of the sign there's this new bird bath fountain thingy. And Nate was all excited to show Maddie "Look, the bird is peeing! It is PEEING Maddie! That is SO funny". She looked and found it hysterical as well. I looked and saw a bird spitting water out of it's beak. But it did lead me to wonder where and how birds pee? Is it one of those "Wow, I feel rain drops on my head and there are no clouds in the sky" kind of things?
Disengage from the peeing bird. Disengage from the peeing bird....
I never did get around to writing about Jack's first day in First Grade. This is a big deal around these parts. Most kids are tired at the end of the day; I hear stories from other moms about how their kids come home and crash. Not my kiddo. I have to FORCE him to rest after school before soccer practice. Force him to eat a snack, even though my children have been eating non-stop for the better part of a week. They are always hungry, and I feed them well and often. Apparently healthy food isn't very filling, or something like that.
I'd like to think he was winking, but really the sun was in his eye. I think he got annoyed at all my photography.
This is the mayhem that is the first day. Kids, parents, teachers everywhere trying to make sure everyone goes to the right spot. We found it no problemo.
Doesn't he look so grown up? Getting dressed in the morning is a bit of a challenge, since I don't allow him to wear pants with holes to school, or cut-offs for that matter. He gets really upset because those are his "comfortable clothes" but I am NOT having Child Protective services come after me because he looks raggedy and neglected , and I told him as much. I spent good money on new jeans and shirts for you buddy. Wear 'em.
Jack is doing great in school already. He is such a sensitive kid and wants very much to please people, so I'm sure he's well liked, although I worry when he says he doesn't play with kids at recess. He said he prefers to be by himself. He runs wild with the neighborhood boys though, so I won't worry too much.
He's also trying very hard to read, and he's got some good skills in place. He'll get there, I know he will. I am so proud of how awesome he is!
1 comment:
This is a great post! The kids look so big and smart! My girls are the youngest in their classes too. But of course also the smartest...:) Maddie will be great in pre-school. Jack looks like an old pro going to 1st grade! And Nate always looks like he is ready for an adventure!
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