Sunday, February 08, 2009


Thursday I was wandering the grocery store aimlessly, seeing as I didn't have any kids with me, and found myself in the magazine aisle. There was an article in one of the exercise mags..."New Workout for EVERY body shape!!!"

Great, I thought. I could use some new ideas. And so, I turned to the article. Incidentally (and ironically) body shapes are described in terms of food...fruits to be exact. For example:

If you are a banana, your body looks like this:
Long and lean, thin, but with no muscle mass. Doesn't really describe me. I'm tall, but I have muscle. I'm not mushy, except in my front butt, which will never go away, thanks to babies.
Moving on, if you are a pear shaped person, you look like this:
Apparently, if you are a pear, you have a small head and a big ga-dunka dunk

Now, if you are apple-icious, you look like this:

You have no body shape whatsoever. Apparently you look like a blood filled tick with little arms and legs sticking out of your overly round body.
I am not a banana, I am definitely not a pear, since I don't have hips or a booty to speak of, and I'm certainly not an apple. So, what kind of food best describes me? What food do YOU look like. I'd love to hear it.
Maybe, I'm like an ear of corn, and the little nib lets represent my muscles, the protective husk masking my true inner sweet goodness....Maybe I'm a peanut, body weight distributed equally, but that would imply a tiny waist which I don't have...
Sigh...I guess I'll have to think on it for a while.


gailiop said...

I'm totally a pear shape. Skinny on top and then wham- 'junk in the trunk'. LOL Although after having a baby I'm moving more toward the apple. Ugh.

And why can't they make the shapes more appealing foods? Like a scoop of ice cream instead of apple, it's sorta the same shape.. if you have to be a "shape" why not be one you enjoy eating?? LOL

Crazy Mom said...

That just made me laugh out loud. If you're a food shape, why not be one you enjoy eating!

Let's start a new trend and rewrite those magazine articles!